
The first drinkable ”black gold”, the MÁCUM

Poppy as a plant has been known already in the ancient times.


MÁCUM is unique alcoholic drink made from Brandy and Poppy Seeds.

Poppy Seed as a plant was already known in the ancient times. It can be found on cave drawings as early as the time of the Sumerians. Numerous old records and ancient authors mention its beneficial effects on the human body since the beginning of mankind.

During its long history many of its positive attributes have been discovered. Its high mineral content, bone and immune system strengthening impact made this particular plant highly demanded and sought for across the globe.

People still to this day refer to it as “black gold”, „white lotus” or the „flower of pleasure”. Even though this versatile plant can be utilized in various ways, we strongly believe that the Brandy Manufactory of Keresztúri has found the best method; by merging Poppy Seed with pálinka (a traditional distilled spirit in Hungary). This process resulted in the birth of a truly unique alcoholic drink; the MACUM. The name evolves from “mák”, the Hungarian term for Poppy Seed.

During the distillation process pálinka absorbs the flavor and aroma of the Poppy Seed that gives a special, unmistakable flavor to MACUM. This very unique flavor, silky texture and mild taste surely seduce any person on any given day or occasion.

Since Poppy Seed is associated with luck and fortune in Hungary, MACUM is definitely something you do not want to miss tasting.


“Sesame, open!”

The magical phrase from One Thousand and One Nights which leads to the hidden treasure, it symbolizes the distinguishing features of the Sesame seed pod, which bursts open when it reaches maturity. We all know the tale of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, but what about the benefits of the Black Sesame seeds?

Anti-ageing properties: The nutrients in black sesame seeds can help in postponing or reversing certain age-related side effects. They can stimulate hair growth, they also have skin softening and cell regenerating benefits.

Decreases the risk of cancer: Sesame protect the liver against the damage caused by free radicals in the body. Also, the seeds are rich in fiber, lignans and phytosterol, which can protect you against the development of colon cancer.

Relief for constipation and indigestion: The oil found in the seed can lubricate your intestines, while the fiber in the seed helps in smooth bowel movements. Stabilizes your blood pressure: Black sesame seeds are rich in magnesium that helps prevent hypertension, the Polyunsaturated fats in sesame oil are known to keep blood pressure levels in check, that means healthier arteries and better heart health.

Healthier Skin and Bones: Black sesame seeds are abundant in calcium and zinc they can keep your bones strong. The seeds also provide the body with vitamin E, which is needed for healthy skin.

Black Sesame seeds, also known as kala til, is one of oldest condiments known to man. In Japan, whole seeds are found in servings of mixed greens and baked snacks, it is also popular in Korean cooking to marinate meat and vegetables. People call it SimSim in Africa, it’s used to make various dishes like Wangila with smoked fish or lobster.

Its oil is widely used across India, the seeds are often blended with warm jaggery or palm sugar and are eaten as a snack. Sesame seeds are a good source of hair nourishing vitamins and minerals such as copper, manganese, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, vitamin B1, amino acids, selenium, melanin, and dietary fiber and now you can enjoy it in form of an alcoholic Beverage!

Try our new Magna Sesame Liquor!
The first drinkable
”black gold”, the MÁCUM

The unique character of Mácum is due to its numerous components, among others to pálinka that is prepared with the traditional process from excellent quality fruits, as well as poppy, and a number of other things. Its soft, silky taste seduces its consumer on any day of the year.

In Hungary people believe that Mácum is also the drink of luckiness, due to the slogan “Drink poppy, and be lucky”! In Hungarian language “to have poppy” also has to meaning “to have luck”.

Do not miss tasting the first drinkable “black gold” of the world.

The Pálinka Manufactory of Keresztúr found the best method of utilising poppy and it created from it an alcoholic drink unique in the world, which is the product of merging poppy and pálinka [traditional fruit brandy in Hungary] and which had been named Mácum.

They used it differently in the different continents, countries and cities, and they also named the “black gold” differently at the different places. It was already called the „white lotus” or the „flower of pleasure”, and the list does not end here.

Based on “Mák”, the Hungarian term for poppy. After boiling off the fruit brandy, the pálinka, it is steeped on a milled poppy bed, during which process the pálinka absorbs all the contents of poppy together with its fragrance and aroma.

Széchenyi 2020